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Plastination - Anatomy - Embeddings by Dr. von Horst

Knowledge and experience for outstanding anatomical insights and beautiful plastination specimens


Overview images and detail views of plastination examples.

Plastination and preparation techniques as shown in the Portfolio and the Plastination Galleries are:

Research and development by HC Biovision.

Improving the conventional plastination and preparation techniques allows us to provide exclusive techniques and specimens, which you will not find anywhere else: The patented Tissue Tracing Technique, SI Plastination, modified injection and corrosion techniques, flexible casts, flexible figure plastinates and innovative anatomical photography approaches are techniques developed and exclusively offered by Dr. Christoph von Horst. Find interesting articles and detail information in my blog or see the service and about pages in the plastination archive.

About Us

Life-long interest in anatomy, a more than 100 year old family tradition of processing organic materials with chemical solvents and a clear user-oriented focus is the key to the excellent worldwide reputation of HC Biovision.

Get a Quote

Want to know more? Interested in special offers, trial specimens or reseller packages? Give general feedback or tell me about a specific project which you have in mind? Please drop a line. I appreciate your message. Dr. Christoph von Horst.
