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HC Biovision is know as a leading institute in the field of sheet plastination, casting techniques, colour preserved embeddings and photography:

The use of (patented) self-developed techniques result in the outstanding quality of specimens and pictures unreached worldwide:

Sheet Plastination
Tissue Tracing sheet plastination (flat chamber)
Tissue Tracing sheet plastination in acrylic embedding
S heet plastination serial sections (comparison to MRT)
Sheet plastinates with laserengraved logos, etc.
Sheet plastinates with labelling of structures
Plastinates with stands, hangers, etc.
conventional plastination techniques

Figure plastination
Silicon plastination
Color preserved embeddings
PEG technique

Corrosion casts
Epoxy resin casts
Acrylate casts
Silicon casts

from our partner institutes

Acrylic sheets/panels with embeddings
Insect, nematode, tick and similar embeddings
Baby tooth, osteosynthesis plates and similar embeddings
thin ground sections of teeth, cigarettes, etc.

Other anatomical imaging techniques
Scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts
Anatomical (macro) photography
Spalteholz and clarifying preparations
Photography and films of living animals
Schematic drawings

SEM picture of the Chorioidea  

  copyright © HC BIOVISION Dr. Christoph von Horst