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HC Biovision is qualified to undertake anatomical projects by:
extensive practical expertise and background knowledge regarding all available    preparation methods
particularly developed special methods such as e.g. the Tissue Tracing Technique    (TTT)
practical teaching experience, allowing sensible didactic concepts
clinical experience
legal insights to guarantee legal certainty in practice
personal solidarity and integrity as a guarantor for a trustworthiness, conscientious    and project completion according to schedule

The career of Dr. Christoph von Horst:
Study of veterinary sciences at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich,    Germany
Employed at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy of the LMU Munich from 1996
Doctorate (Dr. med. vet.) at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy I of the LMU    Munich, 2002
Vet in practice as a scientific assistant in the Geflügelklinik (Avian clinic)    Oberschleißheim, 2002-2003
Trainee at the EU-Commission/ Directorate general - health and consumer    protection/ area animal health and protection, 2003-2004
Scientific research and testing of preparation and plastination techniques since 1989    and patenting of the Tissue Tracing Technique (TTT), 2004
Founding of the Institute for anatomical demonstration HC Biovision in April 2004
Member and speaker at the ISP (International Society for Plastination) and VDP    (Verband deutscher Präparatoren) since 2005
◊ Secretary of the ISP (International Society for Plastination) since 2008

Rat´s musculature of the neck  

  copyright © HC BIOVISION Dr. Christoph von Horst