HC Biovision is qualified to undertake anatomical projects by:
◊ extensive practical expertise and background knowledge regarding all available preparation methods
◊ particularly developed special methods such as e.g. the Tissue Tracing Technique (TTT)
◊ practical teaching experience, allowing sensible didactic concepts
◊ clinical experience
◊ legal insights to guarantee legal certainty in practice
◊ personal solidarity and integrity as a guarantor for a trustworthiness, conscientious and project completion according to schedule
The career of Dr. Christoph von Horst:
◊ Study of veterinary sciences at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich, Germany
◊ Employed at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy of the LMU Munich from 1996
◊ Doctorate (Dr. med. vet.) at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy I of the LMU Munich, 2002
◊ Vet in practice as a scientific assistant in the Geflügelklinik (Avian clinic) Oberschleißheim, 2002-2003
◊ Trainee at the EU-Commission/ Directorate general - health and consumer protection/ area animal health and protection, 2003-2004
◊ Scientific research and testing of preparation and plastination techniques since 1989 and patenting of the Tissue Tracing Technique (TTT), 2004
◊ Founding of the
Institute for anatomical demonstration
HC Biovision in April 2004
◊ Member and speaker at the ISP (International Society for Plastination) and VDP (Verband deutscher Präparatoren) since 2005
◊ Secretary of the ISP (International Society for Plastination)
since 2008 |